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Lanier High School Marching Band


To help you understand our Marching Band, we are a group consisting of student instrumental musicians performing outdoors for the purpose of entertainment, exercise, and sometimes in competition. Instrumentation typically includes brass, woodwinds, and percussion instruments. Our marching bands wears a uniform (military style) that includes our school name, shakos, pith helmets, feather plumes, gloves, and sometimes gauntlets, sashes, and/or capes.


Most marching bands are generally categorized by function, size, age, gender and by the style of show they perform. In addition to traditional parade performances, many marching bands also perform field shows at special events like competitions.


Numerous performance opportunities include all LHS half-time shows, marching competitions, parades, and pep-rallies.  Rehearsals are typically after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


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